These are some dishes that we've found that kids love, and they're all easy to prepare. Follow the links for the recipes.

These are especially good at kids' parties. They disappear really quickly!

Greek Pastichio

Just watch this disappear down their throats! A favourite with adults as well.
Greek Cheese Pie (Tiropita)

A delicious and healthy kids' snack.
Eat And Enjoy
do you have recipe fro greek pastichio? looks delicious to me..if u have can u share it with me...just give me a shout!
Just follow the link for Greek Pastichio in this post.
I make pasticio too. Love it! Have a recipe on my blog for it. Going to try your zuchinni fritters though. Never done that.
Very-2 Nice Website
Keep it up
Arun Sharma
love your blog, thanks. my 10 year old daughter has become highly interested in ancient greece, so we are doing a week on greece this summer. she is thrilled to be able to try her hand at some greek food. thanks for the recipes
I'm so glad to hear that Queen Of Everything! Wish your daughter all the best from and if you have any questions about Greece - cookery or not - just let me know! Use the Contact Form (see top of page).
what the fuck they look crap i wanted TASTY dessertsand not everything goes around in health you know BITCHES
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