Ancient Mt. Olympus Mix - 3000 Year-old Recipe!

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Aristophanes - the ancient Greek satirist - mentioned a fictional dish in his play "Assemblywomen" which was a word that had 183 letters! I have written the name of the dish at the bottom of the post. On stage, this word was pronounced without taking a breath!

In ancient times, these dishes - or "mixes" - with a variety of ingredients, were prepared in large quantities for public consumption at large gatherings or after a battle. It was supposed to be very healthy and nutritious when eaten in small portions.

The following is a recipe for an "ancient" mix - though I cannot swear that this was the one that Aristophanes mentioned!

200g goat's meat
2 teacups lentils
1 teacup dry red wine
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 carrot
2 bay leaves
1/2 teacup of frumenty ("trahanas" in Greek)
100g hazelnuts
100g raisins
100g prunes with their stones removed
2 tablespoon olive oil
Red pepper


Chop the garlic and onion and brown them in olive oil in a large pan.

Add the meat and continue cooking until it turns brown.

Add the lentils, carrot, bay leaves and hazelnuts along with 6 cups of water.

Simmer at a medium heat for 40 minutes.

Add the raisins, prunes, frumenty, wine, salt and red pepper and leave it to boil for another 10 minutes.

Serve with bread, goat's cheese and wine (preferrably Greek).

Eat and Enjoy!

And the name of the "mix" in Aristophes' "Assemblywomen" is -

"Lopadotemahoselahogaleokranioleipsanodrimipotrimmatosilfiolparomelitokatakehimenokihlepikossifofapoperisteralektrionoptopifallidokinglopeleiolagoosirai vafitraganopterigon". !!!

If you would like to read the play (the "mix" is mentioned in Verse 1.169), then you can order it here -


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