Now You Can Listen To Greek Recipes As Well As Read Them!

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You may have noticed that we now have a button with 'listennow' at the top of each post. Clicking on this button enables you to listen to the post as well as read it. You can now go to any recipe you wish and listen to it. This could be especially useful to the visually impaired.

As well as this, you can also subscribe to the podcasts and listen to the recipes on the go on your iPod or MP3 player. The text content is also embedded into the audio file and can be viewed through the lyrics option of your iPod and on some other mp3 players.

To subscribe to the podcasts, just click on the button on the right sidebar of the blog - Subscribe To My Podcast  or go directly here.

I have just started using this and hope that it can be a useful addition, although I am wondering about the slightly 'robotic' quality of the voice. However, I would appreciate any feedback you have about it - please let us know what you think. Do you think it is useful or not? What about the quality?

Happy Listening!


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