
Print Friendly and PDF It's been a while since we've posted here and I'd like to offer my apologies to all our readers.

The fact is that Maria has had some serious problems with her eyes. For over a year now, she has had a problem with the one eye and narrowly avoided a detached retina - she has had a series of operations and treatment. Now, however, the other eye also had the same problem and again she narrowly avoided a detached retina.

Over the last month or so she has been going back and forward to Athens for treatment and there is still some way to go. She's been fortunate in her misfortune that the doctor who's been treating her is excellent and caring - one of the best in Greece.

As we cook and photograph all the recipes that we put up on the blog, this has not been possible while this has been going on. I also have not been able to give the time to the blog that it requires (our two sons are also doing their national service at the moment).

I did promise Maria that I would complete the paperback book of recipes that we're going to make available through Amazon and in amongst everything else I've been working on that - it should be out in the next couple of days. We love sharing these recipes - Maria is from a family of chefs and she loves cooking.

I am confident that she will get better - she deserves it and I don't want to see her suffer any more in her life.

Anyway, I felt I owed the readers an explanation and would like to thank you for your patience and for visiting us and enjoying the recipes.

1 comment:

leonthelion said...

Sorry to hear about her eyes. My friend has had continued detached retinas and has just again flown back to the Philippines for surgery (cheap but high quality hospitals there).

I hope she can have a speedy recovery!

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