This is a popular dish in the villages - you can see it in a typical village oven dish at the bottom of the post. It has Greek ouzo in it, which you should be able to get most places in the world.
For the roll
½ kg beef mincemeat
250g pork mincemeat
1 large onion grated
1 egg for the dough
5 hard-boiled eggs
1 teaspoon oregano
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
2 cloves crushed garlic
100g breadcrumbs
50 ml olive oil
½ teaspoon soda
20ml ouzo
For the accompanying potatoes
1 kg potatoes
3 cloves garlic cut in two
½ teaspoon oregano
60 ml olive oil
Salt and pepper
120 ml water
Dilute the soda in the ouzo.
Mix all the ingredients for the roll – apart from the hard-boiled eggs – in a large bowl.
Knead the mixture really well with your hands for at least 10 minutes.
Cut the potatoes into 4cm cubes and place them in an oven dish 35cm diameter.
Add the remainder of the potato ingredients to the oven dish.
On a smooth surface spread the mince ‘dough’ into a rectangular shape – 30cm x 15cm.
Remove the shells from the hard-boiled eggs and place them in a line along the centre of the dough.
Fold the dough into a cylindrical shape with the eggs in the middle.
Turn it upside down carefully and place in the centre of the oven dish with the potatoes on both sides.
Cover the mince roll loosely with aluminium foil and roast in a pre-heated moderate oven for 1 hour.
Remove the aluminium foil and continue roasting for about 15 minutes – until the potatoes are nicely coloured and there is no liquid remaining in the dish apart from the oil.
If you've tried this recipe please rate it!
Eat and Enjoy!
Yummy! You made me wish I have an oven!
nice blog! good food!
God bless!
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I hope you can come join me sometime soon for a visit. My blog is always anxious to meet new visitors.
Hi how about posting a recipe on Moussaka! My wife loves this! Cheers!
Hi bokjae and thanks for your comment on my blog! Regarding your request for the moussaka recipe, we have the recipe for vegetarian moussaka on the blog already - many people say that it is tastier than the one with meat. Check it out here -
We will try and post the recipe for the meat moussaka as soon as we can.
Many thanks again
That looks very, very good and quite easy to make. Thanks for the recipes. I'm assuming that the "micemeat" means ground meat. Is that correct?
emmmm you make it all look so good and easy...
Great site..
Dorothy from grammology
This looks really good, but what is ouzo made of? and do you think I can find it here in my country (Philippines)? If I can't get ouzo, what can I replace it with?
Mom's Cafe - Yes, as far as I'm aware, what you call ground meat is mince. Enjoy!
Ane - Ouzo is an alcoholic drink, which is based on aniseed. It's a well-known Greek drink and is available everywhere internationally so I don't think you should have problems finding it in any good shop selling spirits.
Okay! Thanks so much! I can't wait to try this! :-D
I thought that's what it meant but thought I should check first. I've heard of Ouzo so will look for it. They likely have in at the LCBO stores here in Ontario. Thanks again.
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